
This module provides functions to reduce the number of classes of a model by merging some of them, as described in [BALM17]. Two methods are available:

  • Individualistic collapsing. This method, first studied in [Hool00], amounts to what we would get if we were to rebuild the model by counting individuals while being unable to distinguish between subclasses of a merged class. The advantage of the method is thus that it has a straightforward interpretation. However, it does a poor job at preserving many of the properties of the original model.

  • Genealogical collapsing. This method, introduced in [BALM17], aims at preserving properties of the genealogy of individuals. It usually does a better job at preserving the properties of the original model. One major drawback of the method, though, is that it lacks a clear interpretation. In particular, applying it to a survival matrix can yield a matrix with entries that are greater than one.

Which method is better will depend on the model at hand and on what one wants to do with it. In general, if it can be used then genealogical collapsing should be more useful.

matpopmod.collapsing.individualistic_collapsing(m, cv)

Returns the individualistically collapsed version of m, i.e. the model whose projection matrix \(\hat{\mathbf{A}} = (\hat{a}_{ij})\) is given by

\[\hat{a}_{ij} = \frac{\sum\limits_{k \subset i} \sum\limits_{\ell \subset j} a_{k\ell} \, w_\ell}{\sum\limits_{\ell \subset j} w_\ell}\]

where \(k \subset i\) indicates that the (original) class k is a subclass of the (collapsed) class i. If the A = S + F decomposition is available, then this formula is applied separately to the matrices S and F.

Specifying which classes should be merged together is done thanks to the collapsing vector cv, whose i-th entry is the list of subclasses of the collapsed class i. The classes of a model should always be numbered from \(0\) to \(n - 1\).

For instance, consider the model dipsacus_sylvestris from the module examples:

>>> from matpopmod.examples import dipsacus_sylvestris
>>> matpopmod.plot.life_cycle(dipsacus_sylvestris)

To merge the two seed classes (0 and 1) into a single class and the three rosette classes (2–4) into another one, use

>>> m = individualistic_collapsing(
...         dipsacus_sylvestris, [[0, 1], [2, 3, 4], [5]])
>>> matpopmod.plot.life_cycle(m)

Note that the metadata of the model are not copied.

Individualistic collapsing guarantees that the growth rate and stable class distributions are preserved. However, most other descriptors are expected to be different (unless the classes that are collapsed together have identical reproductive values).

>>> dipsacus_sylvestris.lmbd, m.lmbd
(2.333880171440902, 2.3338801714408994)
>>> dipsacus_sylvestris.T_a, m.T_a
(2.9095973630611565, 2.3784561962530835)
>>> dipsacus_sylvestris.R0, m.R0
(14.375518834698335, 11.351604517163121)
matpopmod.collapsing.genealogical_collapsing(m, cv)

Returns the genealogically collapsed version of m, i.e. the model whose projection matrix \(\mathbf{A}^\star = (a^\star_{ij})\) is given by

\[a^\star_{ij} = \frac{\sum\limits_{k \subset i} \sum\limits_{\ell \subset j} v_k \, a_{k\ell}\, w_\ell}{\left(\frac{\sum_{k \subset i} v_k w_k}{\sum_{k \subset i} w_k}\right) \sum\limits_{\ell \subset j} w_\ell} \, .\]

See the documentation of individualistic_collapsing() for details about the notation and the argument cv.

In addition to preserving the asymptotic growth rate and the stable class structure, genealogical collapsing preserves the reproductive values, the elasticities and the generation time \(T_a\). Overall, the descriptors of the genealogically collapsed model are expected to better match the descriptors of the original model than those of the individualistically collapsed one.

>>> mi = individualistic_collapsing(
...          dipsacus_sylvestris, [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4], [5]])
>>> mg = genealogical_collapsing(
...          dipsacus_sylvestris, [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4], [5]])
>>> dipsacus_sylvestris.T_a, mi.T_a, mg.T_a
(2.9095973630611565, 3.0291753555161596, 2.9095973630611573)
>>> dipsacus_sylvestris.R0, mi.R0, mg.R0
(14.375518834698335, 20.204098421369117, 14.211167697833941)

However, a major shortcoming of genealogical collapsing is that the interpretation of the entries of the projection matrix is somewhat lost. In particular, it is possible for the sum of the columns of the survival matrix to exceed 1, contradicting their interpretation as survival probabilities. When this happens, a warning is issued and a model based on the projection matrix A only (that is, without a survival and fertility matrix) is returned. For instance, compare

>>> m1 = genealogical_collapsing(
...          dipsacus_sylvestris, [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4], [5]])
>>> m1.split
>>> m2 = genealogical_collapsing(
...          dipsacus_sylvestris, [[0, 1], [2, 3, 4], [5]])
UserWarning: Genealogical collapsing yields survival
probabilities > 1. A non-split model is returned.
>>> m2.split

Given an iterable collapsing vector cv representing which classes should be merged together, returns the \(m \times n\) matrix \(\boldsymbol \Phi = (\phi_{ij})\) defined by:

\[\begin{split}\phi_{ik} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if } k \text{ is a subclass of } i. \\ 0 & \text{ otherwise}. \end{cases}\end{split}\]

More specifically, cv should be an iterable representing a partition of \(\{0, \ldots, n-1\}\) into m = len(cv) subclasses in such a way that cv[i] is the set of indices of the subclasses composing the collapsed class i, and \(\phi_{ik} = \mathbf{1}_{\{k \in \mathrm{cv}[i]\}}\).

If cv does not represent a valid partition of \(\{0, \ldots, n-1\}\), ValueError is raised.

The collapsing matrix makes it easy to sum over subclasses that have to be collapsed together. For instance, the vector \(\tilde{\mathbf{x}} = (x_i)\) defined by \(x_i = \sum_{k \subset i} x_k\) is \(\tilde{\mathbf{x}} = \boldsymbol \Phi \mathbf{x}\) and the matrix \(\tilde{\mathbf{M}} = (\tilde{m}_{ij})\) defined by \(\tilde{m}_{ij} = \sum_{k \subset i}\sum_{\ell \subset j} m_{k\ell}\) is \(\tilde{\mathbf{M}} = \boldsymbol \Phi \mathbf{M} \boldsymbol\Phi^\top\).